Biography and source studies

What is biographical research

Combined index that identifies 15+million entries in over 1, biographical sources. International coverage. antiquity+. Listing of biographical content from periodicals. Includes interviews and profiles of history-makers.

Biographical study in qualitative research

Biography is a branch of the study of history. The reliability of biographical sources varies widely and is subject to the usual vagaries of historical studies: lack of accurate information, too much or conflicting information, too little information, psychological theorizing, etc.

    Biographical research pdf

Provides information on the history of science through articles on the professional lives of scientists. Covers all periods of science from classical antiquity to modern times. Provides access to biographies, bibliographies, and critical analayses of authors from every age and literary discipline.

  • Biography and source studies in research
  • Biography and source studies definition
  • Biography and source studies pdf
  • Biography and source studies in psychology
    1. Biography and Source Studies, 8 volumes complete.
    Online encyclopedias, dictionaries, and specialized reference sources, primarily in the social sciences and humanities. Biographies of more than 19, men and women who have influenced American history. Index of biographical books and articles from to present.
      American National Biography Online A standard source for U.S. historical biography with over 17,000 individual entries.
    Browse Biographies for full-text entries from an array of reference sources. The electronic version of the new edition of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography published in , the sixty volumes of which include 50, biographies and some 10, images of deceased "men and women who have shaped all aspects of the British past.".
      The genre of biography enjoyed an efflorescence in the early modern period, fostered by the cultural, social, intellectual, and political changes of the time.
    A selection of major sources of biographical information purchased or licensed by the Cornell University Library.

    Biography and source studies Biographical research is concerned with the reconstruction of life histories and the constitution of meaning based on biographical narratives and documents.
    Biography and source studies examples Biographies are accounts of someone's life written by another person.
    Biography and source studies in pakistan What Are Primary Sources?
    Biography and source studies journal Provides full text of biographies, bibliographies, literary criticism, and other resources on authors of all categories and eras.

    Biographical method in research

    Ideal for school, academic, and public libraries, Gale databases offer researchers access to credible, up-to-date content for biography research, including full-text articles from journals, biography magazines, and other biographical resources.

  • biography and source studies

  • Biography qualitative research example

      Taking biography as a source, | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate. studies of the gender implications of the practice of law, education, politics, and economics.
  • Narrative biography in research

  • Biographical method example

    x, pages ; 24 cm Includes index Source studies: "William Blake and the Hagiographers" / Aileen Ward -- "Historical truth and narrative reliability: three biographical stories" / Jay Martin -- Theory: "Biography as cultural discourse" / Ira Nadel -- "Biography and narrative" / Frederick R. Karl -- Biography and other disciplines: History.
  • Biography and source studies. Volume 1 : Free Download ... Wikipedia has been studied extensively. Between and , researchers published at least 1, peer-reviewed articles about the online encyclopedia. [1] Such studies are greatly facilitated by the fact that Wikipedia's database can be downloaded without help from the site owner.
  • Biography - JSTOR Biography and Source Studies. Find all books from Editor-Frederick R. Karl. At you can find used, antique and new books, compare results and immediately purchase your selection at the best price.
  • Biography as a Source and a Methodology in Humanities Research Biography is an important forum for well-considered biographical scholarship. It features stimulating articles that explore the theoretical, generic, historical, and cultural dimensions of life-writing; and the integration of literature, history, the arts, and the social sciences as they relate to biography.
  • Narrative biography in research

  • Biography and source studies Bookreader Item Preview Worldcat (source edition) Show More. Full catalog record MARCXML. plus-circle.
  • Biographical research example

    Source studies: "Biography and enigma: the case of Ross Lockridge, Jr." / Larry Lockridge -- "Writing Kafka's biography" / Frederick R. Karl -- "Taking precautions: gender masquerade and authorial persona in James Fenimore Cooper" / April Alliston and Pamela Schirmeister -- "What lies on the cutting room floor: some scenes not from the life.